Attend “The Smart Way to Sell Your Web Business” Seminar
- Watch Our Video:Attend Seminar

Every year, we field dozens of questions from owners of web businesses who are thinking of selling their companies. By now, we have heard them all, but we never get tired of helping the hard-working entrepreneurs who are interested in reaping the rewards of all their hard work.
Typically, we have fielded these questions over the phone or by email. But this year we decided to answer them—and any related concerns that a web-business owner might have—in person. We are offering a series of two-day seminars: The Smart Way to Sell Your Web Business.
The seminars present the information you need to know in sessions taught by one of our senior professionals, John McIlroy. John has more than 20 years experience in professional development instruction to business leaders in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Smart Way to Sell Your Web Business covers valuation strategies, establishing negotiation ranges, preparing term sheets, determining whether to sell assets or shares, minimizing tax impact, structuring buyouts over time, drafting legal agreements, transferring intellectual property, and many more issues that are on your mind as you contemplate selling your web business.
This is a great opportunity for you to meet other web entrepreneurs and learn the smartest strategies for selling web businesses from industry-recognized experts. We will be presenting The Smart Way to Sell Your Web Business in 10 cities over the course of 2012. Seating is limited to ensure maximum interaction and discussion.
To reserve your seat for one of these valuable two-day seminars, please fill out the form to the right, or e-mail us directly.
Every seminar attendee will leave the session with a professionally prepared workbook that includes:
- Advice on maximizing a business's value
- Checklists for preparing your business for sale
- Information on tax issues
- Checklists for due diligence investigations
- Strategies for negotiation
- and more.
These could be your two most well spent days in 2012. We'd love to help you succeed. See you there!